Apple Developer Academy at Universidade Católica de Brasília

Former BEPiD - Brazilian Education Project for iOS Development.

Allow me to share a remarkable chapter from my journey where I had the privilege to lead a dynamic team comprising 14 talented designers and 100 skilled developers at the esteemed Catholic University of Brasilia. Over a span of three transformative years, our collective efforts bore fruit in the creation of more than 200 innovative applications. Among our crowning achievements was the creation of BitJourney, a gaming app that resonated globally, amassing an impressive number of downloads.

Throughout this period, I assumed a multifaceted role, steering the Hiring Process for our design team, offering invaluable Design Mentorship, conducting Design Classes, and overseeing all design-related aspects of our projects, including presentations, template creation, and more. It was a journey defined by collaboration, creativity, and a shared commitment to excellence.


Social innovation focuses on the creative ability to solve problems in the community reality. On the other hand, mobile applications empower citizens by creating interaction channels with various industries. Challenge based learning is a collaborative methodology that enables the development of mobile applications, whose main focus is on accepting and solving challenges, performing actions, sharing experiences, and entering into a global discussion on important issues. To exemplify the use of CBL, the process of developing the SciHub application is described, which is a project network, where users can create, follow and receive notifications about them.

This paper considers the potential motivations of using a social application to make donations to needy families. Mobile devices and their inseparable applications are becoming more and more part of people's daily lives, who spend all their time with their always-on, always connected devices, as close as the body's own clothes. The study conducted, when addressing the social application Solidarius created to make donations to the social assistance group Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo - Vincentinos, that the solidarity mediated by technology materializes in a new type of care. Although it is anonymous, it makes possible the existence of a bond, which excludes direct involvement with people in situations of common vulnerability in voluntary actions, but allows the user a sense of belonging to an institution or a cause greater than himself, generating feelings of satisfaction and gratitude.

The present proposal is based on the use of mobile applications to stimulate social participation to strengthen the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) of Brazil and the inclusion of the citizen as protagonist to monitor public health policies. The general objective is to present a technological platform for mobile devices that enables citizens to participate and record information about health facilities, particularly those in the public network. The research methodology included the following steps: bibliographic research; definition of the application scope; application development; testing and publication. The main result was the publication in the App Store, for free download, of the iOS application called Mapa da Saúde.

